
There are 8 assignments this quarter, plus one midterm project and one final project.

Summary of Assignments: 
***This is Subject to change based on the pace and flow of the class over the quarter. Check back weekly for updates.  Students are required to stay up to date with this course by checking this blog and eCompanion weekly***

Weekly Assignments (Due at the beginning of class)
Week 1 HW, Due April 11th: Retouch one portrait, save as TIFF with layers. Reading: Classroom in a Book Sections 1 and 2 (pgs 12-65) and Section 5 starting on pg 124

Week 2 HW, Due April 18th: Process one raw image and save as a TIFF and JPG. Turn in all 3 files labeled as “first_lastname.tif, first_lastname.jpg, first_lastname.nef (or .crw for Canon users, etc...) Reading: Classroom in a Book Section 4 (pgs 96-121)

Week 3 HW, Due April 25th: Create a TIFF using one of your own images that has 3 adjustment layers: one “S” curve layer, one “dodge” curves layer and one “burn” curves layer. Reading: Classroom in a Book Section 9 (pgs 228-247)

Midterm: Due May 2: Create a Professional Promotional Piece/ Postcard. It should be a 2 sided card that features at least one of your photos/artworks and has your contact info. Make it clear what it is that you do or the service you provide or would like to be hired for. There will be time in class to work on this the week before it is due. What to Turn In: Bring 2 copies of the double sided final print on cardstock (approx 5x7” in size) as well as the digital file saved as a TIFF and a JPG.  Reading: Classroom in a Book Section 7, starting on pg 187

Week 5 HW, Due May 9th: Create a Composite. Create an image (saved as TIFF with layers) that combines elements from at least 2 separate pictures. Use selection tools we went over in class (pen tool, lasso, magic wand, etc). Reading: Classroom in a Book Section 3, starting on pg 68

Week 6 HW, Due May 16th: Create a digital illustration using scanned in material

Week 7 HW, Due May 23rd: one Animated GIF plus Write a one page proposal on what you’d like to do for your final, which is due week 11. Bring this proposal printed to class. Reading: Classroom in a Book section 14.

Week 8 HW, Due May 30th:
Choose one:
Restore an old/damaged photo, Create a pattern or Create a collage using blending modes

Week 9 HW: Due June 6th: Work on final project

Final, Due on our Final Class, June 13th: 
Online portfolio of 15 images plus three 8x10” prints 
Remember your final project should be something that will be of use to you professionally and/or personally. Do this for you! Please prepare a portfolio of at least 15 images that go together in some way and are sequenced carefully and intentionally. These images need to be presented online using the free portfolio website (or on your own website, if you have one). Please use images that you have worked on in Photoshop in this class. The goal is to have a clean and well presented slideshow of images that you feel best represents the work you do. In addition, please choose your 3 best images (from those 15 online) to print at least 8x10” in size for a class critique (you may bring more if you like). Your 15 final images must also be turned in digitally as hi-res JPGs labeled with your name and embedded with copyright (using Bridge).