Grading Breakdown:
10% Participation
You can earn 5 points weekly for participation:
1 point = for being on time
1 point = if you stay the whole time
1 point = if you come prepared with HW to class
2 points = Instructor’s Discretion (general participation)
15% Midterm Project (Promo Card)
50% Weekly Assignments (There are 8 total)
25% Final (Online portfolio of 15 images plus three 8x10” prints)
Grading will be done on a point system.
All work must be received by the set deadlines, however extensions may be given for special circumstances.
Projects turned in on time may be redone with instructor approval.
Absolutely no work will be accepted after the final class meets week 11.
All assignments
will have clear criteria and objectives to meet. All students shall be treated
equitably. It will be that student’s right to know his/her grade at any
reasonable point that information is requested by that student. The criteria
for determining a student’s grade shall be as follows on a percentage of the
total points:
A 100
– 93
A- 92
– 90
B+ 89
– 87
B 86
– 83
B- 82
– 80
C+ 79
– 77
C 76
– 73
C- 72
– 70
D+ 69
– 67
D 66
– 65
F 64
or below