Final Due June 13th, next week!!
What to turn in:
*10-15 final images as TIFFs with layers and also as web size JPGs (800px on the longest side)
*Choose 3 of these images to print 8x10 size (must be inkjet and on PHOTO PAPER not presentation paper and, not laser) In the cage 8.5x11 sheets on the inkjet printer are $1.50 each.
(you may opt to do just one large poster print instead of 3 smaller ones)
*a link to an online portfolio showcasing your 10-15 final images, like
A note on your 10-15 final images:
Please turn in images that you have Photoshopped in this class. I will be looking at your layers, so please label and organize them. Please make sure your images work together in a series and sequence them thoughtfully for your online portfolio. Please name all files with your name and a sequence number using Bridge. ex: "firstname_lastname_001.jpg"
How to Save a folder of TIFFs into web sized JPGs:
make sure the box looks like this:
box 1- select folder
box 2- save in same location
box 3- save as JPEG, resize to fit checked, quality 9, W & H = 800px, check convert to sRGB
You can create an action to "Save for Web" to a whole folder.
Should look like this:
*make sure you choose JPEG on the top right and enter 800 into the longest side on the image size on lower right.
How to Rename your Files in Bridge:
1.) Open your folder of images into Bridge (drag to bridge icon on dock). Highlight all your files by hitting "command A" or click the first one and then shift click the last one.
2.) Tools > Batch Rename
Embedding Metadata:
1.) In Bridge Tools > Create Metadata Template.
2.) Once you create the template you can go to TOOLS> Replace Metadata
How to prepare your file for print:
1.) Start with your hi-res TIFF with all the layers.
2.) Image > Image Size. Make the document size a size that will fit on the paper. For example, if you're doing a print on an 8.5x11" piece of paper, you'd want your width to be 8 in, which would leave a bit of room for a white border. make sure you leave the resolution at 300:
3.) The to have control of the size of your white borders, go to IMAGE> CANVAS SIZE. Enter the paper size and have the extension color be white (if you want white borders).
4. Edit > Convert to Profile. This is the point at which you would assign a downloaded ICC color profile that matches the paper type you are using. The Cage at AI does not have any ICC profiles available, so just leave your file in sRGB or Adobe RGB. (But this is a good thing to ask professional photographic printing labs before printing. - and it's always smart to do a test strip first to see if your colors are right).
5. If you like the way the borders look, go to FILE > SAVE AS and save as a PHOTOSHOP PDF. (This is just because the cage at AI requires files to be saved as PDF. Other places you can print from a JPG or flattened TIFF.)
When this PDF window (below) pops up, choose "high quality print".
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